config – PyTensor Configuration#


The config module contains many attributes that modify PyTensor’s behavior. Many of these attributes are consulted during the import of the pytensor module, and some are assumed to be read-only.

As a rule, the attributes in this module should not be modified by user code.

PyTensor’s code comes with default values for these attributes, but they can be overridden via a user’s .pytensorrc file and the PYTENSOR_FLAGS environment variable.

The order of precedence is:

  1. an assignment to pytensor.config.<property>


  3. the .pytensorrc file (or the file indicated by PYTENSORRC)

The current/effective configuration can be shown at any time by printing the object pytensor.config. For example, to see a list of all active configuration variables, type this from the command-line:

python -c 'import pytensor; print(pytensor.config)' | less

Environment Variables#


This is a list of comma-delimited key=value pairs that control PyTensor’s behavior.

For example, in bash, one can override the PYTENSORRC defaults for a script <myscript>.py with the following:

PYTENSOR_FLAGS='floatX=float32'  python <myscript>.py

If a value is defined several times in PYTENSOR_FLAGS, the right-most definition is used, so, for instance, if PYTENSOR_FLAGS='floatX=float32,floatX=float64' is set, then float64 will be used.


The location(s) of the .pytensorrc file(s) in ConfigParser format. It defaults to $HOME/.pytensorrc. On Windows, it defaults to $HOME/.pytensorrc:$HOME/.pytensorrc.txt.

Here is the .pytensorrc equivalent to the PYTENSOR_FLAGS in the example above:

floatX = float32
device = cuda0

Configuration attributes that are available directly in config (e.g. config.mode) should be defined in the [global] section. Attributes from a subsection of config (e.g. config.dnn__conv__algo_fwd) should be defined in their corresponding section (e.g. [dnn.conv]).

Multiple configuration files can be specified by separating them with ':' characters (as in $PATH). Multiple configuration files will be merged, with later (right-most) files taking priority over earlier files, when multiple files specify values for the same configuration option.

For example, to override system-wide settings with personal ones, set PYTENSORRC=/etc/pytensorrc:~/.pytensorrc. To load configuration files in the current working directory, append .pytensorrc to the list of configuration files, e.g. PYTENSORRC=~/.pytensorrc:.pytensorrc.

Config Attributes#

The list below describes some of the more common and important flags that you might want to use. For the complete list (including documentation), import pytensor and print the config variable, as in:

python -c 'import pytensor; print(pytensor.config)' | less

String value: either 'cpu'


Bool value: either True or False

Default: True

Print the active device when the device is initialized.


String value: 'float64', 'float32', or 'float16' (with limited support)

Default: 'float64'

This sets the default dtype returned by tensor.matrix(), tensor.vector(), and similar functions. It also sets the default PyTensor bit width for arguments passed as Python floating-point numbers.


String value: either 'ignore', 'warn', 'raise', or 'pdb'

Default: 'ignore'

This option determines what’s done when a TensorVariable with dtype equal to float64 is created. This can be used to help find upcasts to float64 in user code.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: True

This determines whether or not PyTensor’s garbage collector is used for intermediate results. To use less memory, PyTensor frees the intermediate results as soon as they are no longer needed. Disabling PyTensor’s garbage collection allows PyTensor to reuse buffers for intermediate results between function calls. This speeds up PyTensor by spending less time reallocating space during function evaluation and can provide significant speed-ups for functions with many fast Ops, but it also increases PyTensor’s memory usage.


Bool value, either True or False

Default: True

This enables, or disables, a rewrite in Scan that tries to pre-allocate memory for its outputs. Enabling the rewrite can give a significant speed up at the cost of slightly increased memory usage.


Bool value, either True or False

Default: False

Allow garbage collection inside of Scan Ops.

If config.allow_gc is True, but config.scan__allow_gc is False, then PyTensor will perform garbage collection during the inner operations of a Scan after each iterations.


String value, either regular or fast`

Default: regular

If cycle_detection is set to regular, most in-place operations are allowed, but graph compilation is slower. If cycle_detection is set to faster, less in-place operations are allowed, but graph compilation is faster.


String value, either off, log, warn, raise

Default: off

This is a flag for checking stack traces during graph rewriting. If check_stack_trace is set to off, no check is performed on the stack trace. If check_stack_trace is set to log or warn, a dummy stack trace is inserted that indicates which rewrite inserted the variable that had an empty stack trace, but, when warn is set, a warning is also printed. If check_stack_trace is set to raise, an exception is raised if a stack trace is missing.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

Enable or disable parallel computation on the CPU with OpenMP. It is the default value used by Ops that support OpenMP. It is best to specify this setting in .pytensorrc or in the environment variable PYTENSOR_FLAGS.


Positive int value, default: 200000.

This specifies the minimum size of a vector for which OpenMP will be used by Elemwise Ops, when OpenMP is enabled.


String value: either 'numpy+floatX' or 'custom'

Default: 'custom'

This specifies how data types are implicitly determined by PyTensor during the creation of constants or in the results of arithmetic operations.

The 'custom' value corresponds to a set of custom rules originally used in PyTensor. These rules can be partially customized (e.g. see the in-code help of pytensor.scalar.basic.NumpyAutocaster). This will be deprecated in the future.

The 'numpy+floatX' setting attempts to mimic NumPy casting rules, although it prefers to use float32 numbers instead of float64 when config.floatX is set to 'float32' and the associated data is not explicitly typed as float64 (e.g. regular Python floats). Note that 'numpy+floatX' is not currently behaving exactly as planned (it is a work-in-progress), and thus it should considered experimental.

At the moment it behaves differently from NumPy in the following situations:

  • Depending on the value of config.int_division, the resulting dtype of a division of integers with the / operator may not match that of NumPy.

  • On mixed scalar and array operations, NumPy tries to prevent the scalar from upcasting the array’s type unless it is of a fundamentally different type. PyTensor does not attempt to do the same at this point, so users should be careful, since scalars may upcast arrays when they otherwise wouldn’t in NumPy. This behavior should change in the near future.


String value: either 'int', 'floatX', or 'raise'

Default: 'int'

Specifies what to do when one tries to compute x / y, where both x and y are of integer types (possibly unsigned). 'int' means an integer is returned (as in Python 2.X). This behavior is deprecated.

'floatX' returns a number of with the dtype given by config.floatX.

'raise' is the safest choice (and will become default in a future release of PyTensor). It raises an error when one tries to perform such an operation, enforcing the use of the integer division operator (//). If a float result is desired, either cast one of the arguments to a float, or use x.__truediv__(y).


String value: 'Mode', 'DebugMode', 'FAST_RUN', 'FAST_COMPILE'

Default: 'Mode'

This sets the default compilation mode when compiling PyTensor functions. By default the mode 'Mode' is equivalent to 'FAST_RUN'.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, the VM and CVM linkers profile the execution time of PyTensor functions.

See Profiling PyTensor function for examples.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, the VM and CVM linkers profile the memory usage of PyTensor functions. This only works when profile=True.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, the VM and CVM linkers profile the rewriting phase when compiling an PyTensor function. This only works when profile=True.


Positive int value, default: 20.

The number of Apply nodes to print in the profiler output.


Positive int value, default: 20.

The number of Ops to print in the profiler output.


Positive int value, default: 1024.

During memory profiling, do not print Apply nodes if the size of their outputs (in bytes) is lower than this value.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, print the minimum peak memory usage during memory profiling. This only works when profile=True and profile_memory=True.


String value: 'stderr', 'stdout', or a name of a file to be created

Default: 'stderr'

Name of the destination file for the profiling output. The profiling output can be directed to stderr (default), stdout, or an arbitrary file.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, use debugprint to print the profiled functions.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, ignore the first call to an PyTensor function while profiling.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, use the amdlibm library, which is faster than the standard libm.


String value: 'c|py', 'py', 'c', 'c|py_nogc'

Default: 'c|py'

When the mode is 'Mode', it sets the default linker used. See Configuration Settings and Compiling Modes for a comparison of the different linkers.


String value: 'fast_run', 'merge', 'fast_compile', 'None'

Default: 'fast_run'

When the mode is 'Mode', it sets the default rewrites used during compilation.


String value: 'warn', 'raise', 'pdb' or 'ignore'

Default: 'warn'

When a crash occurs while trying to apply a rewrite, either warn the user and skip the rewrite (i.e. 'warn'), raise the exception (i.e. 'raise'), drop into the pdb debugger (i.e. 'pdb'), or ignore it (i.e. 'ignore'). We suggest never using 'ignore' except during testing.


String value: 'warn' or 'raise'

Default: 'warn'

When an exception is raised while inferring the shape of an Apply node, either warn the user and use a default value (i.e. 'warn'), or raise the exception (i.e. 'raise').


String value: 'None', 'all', '0.3', '0.4', '0.4.1', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.9', '0.10', '1.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.0.4',``’1.0.5’``

Default: '0.9'

When we an PyTensor bug that generated a bad result is fixed, we also make PyTensor raise a warning when it encounters the same circumstances again. This helps users determine whether or not said bug has affected past runs, since one only needs to perform the same runs again with the new version, and one does not have to understand the PyTensor internals that triggered the bug.

This flag lets users ignore warnings about old bugs that were fixed before their first checkout of PyTensor. You can set its value to the first version of PyTensor that you used (probably 0.3 or higher)

'None' means that all warnings will be displayed. 'all' means all warnings will be ignored.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during program execution.


Default: On Windows: $LOCALAPPDATA\\PyTensor if $LOCALAPPDATA is defined, otherwise and on other systems: ~/.pytensor.

This directory stores the platform-dependent compilation directories.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during program execution.


Default: "compiledir_%(platform)s-%(processor)s-%(python_version)s-%(python_bitwidth)s"

This is a Python format string that specifies the sub-directory of config.base_compiledir in which platform-dependent compiled modules are stored. To see a list of all available substitution keys, run python -c "import pytensor; print(pytensor.config)" and look for compiledir_format.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during program execution.


Default: config.base_compiledir/config.compiledir_format

This directory stores dynamically-compiled modules for a particular platform.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during program execution.


Default: '-lblas'

Link argument to link against a (Fortran) level-3 blas implementation. PyTensor will test if '-lblas' works by default. If not, it will disable C code for BLAS.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: True

When True, add asserts that highlight shape errors.

Without such asserts, the underlying rewrite could hide errors in user code. PyTensor adds the asserts only if it cannot infer that the shapes are equivalent. When it can determine equivalence, this rewrite does not introduce an assert.

Removing these asserts can speed up execution.


If True, AbstractConv* Ops will verify that user-provided shapes match the run-time shapes. This is a debugging option, and may slow down compilation.


Default: ''

Location of the warp-ctc folder. The folder should contain either a build, lib or lib64 subfolder with the shared library (e.g., and another subfolder called include, with the CTC library header.


Default: ""

Extra parameters to pass to gcc when compiling. Extra include paths, library paths, configuration options, etc.


Default: Full path to g++ if g++ is present. Empty string otherwise.

Indicates which C++ compiler to use. If empty, no C++ code is compiled. PyTensor automatically detects whether g++ is present and disables C++ compilation when it is not. On Darwin systems (e.g. Mac OS X), it looks for clang++ and uses that when available.

PyTensor prints a warning if it detects that no compiler is present.

This value can point to any compiler binary (full path or not), but things may break if the interface is not g++-compatible to some degree.


Default: ""

A list of rewriter tags that shouldn’t be included in the default Mode. If multiple tags are provided, separate them by ':'. For example, to remove the Elemwise in-place rewrites, use the flags: optimizer_excluding:inplace_opt, where inplace_opt is the name of the rewrite group.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during the program execution.


Default: ""

A list of rewriter tags to be included in the default Mode. If multiple tags are provided, separate them by ':'.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during the program execution.


Default: ""

A list of rewriter tags that are required for rewriting in the default Mode. If multiple tags are provided, separate them by ':'.

This flag’s value cannot be modified during the program execution.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

When True, print the rewrites applied to stdout.


Bool value: either True or False

Default: False

If False, source code files are removed when they are no longer needed. This causes files for which compilation failed to be deleted. Set to True to keep files for debugging.


This section contains attributes which influence the compilation of C code for Ops. Due to historical reasons many attributes outside of this section also have an influence over compilation, most notably cxx.


Positive int value, default: compile__wait * 24

Time to wait before an un-refreshed lock is broken and stolen (in seconds). This is in place to avoid manual cleanup of locks in case a process crashed and left a lock in place.

The refresh time is automatically set to half the timeout value.


Positive int value, default: 5

Time to wait between attempts at grabbing the lock if the first attempt is not successful (in seconds). The actual time will be between compile__wait and compile__wait * 2 to avoid a crowding effect on the lock.


This section contains various attributes configuring the behaviour of DebugMode.


Default: ''

A list of kinds of preallocated memory to use as output buffers for each Op’s computations, separated by :. Implemented modes are:

  • "initial": initial storage present in storage map (for instance, it can happen in the inner function of Scan),

  • "previous": reuse previously-returned memory,

  • "c_contiguous": newly-allocated C-contiguous memory,

  • "f_contiguous": newly-allocated Fortran-contiguous memory,

  • "strided": non-contiguous memory with various stride patterns,

  • "wrong_size": memory with bigger or smaller dimensions,

  • "ALL": placeholder for all of the above.

In order not to test with preallocated memory, use an empty string, "".


Positive int value, default: 4.

When testing with “strided” preallocated output memory, test all combinations of strides over that number of (inner-most) dimensions. You may want to reduce that number to reduce memory or time usage, but it is advised to keep a minimum of 2.


Bool value, default: True

Generate a warning when a destroy_map or view_map says that an Op will work inplace, but the Op does not reuse the input for its output.


Bool value, default: True

Controls whether NanGuardMode generates an error when it sees a nan.


Bool value, default: True

Controls whether NanGuardMode generates an error when it sees an inf.


Bool value, default: True

Controls whether NanGuardMode generates an error when it sees a big value (i.e. a value greater than 1e10).


String Value: 'off', 'ignore', 'warn', 'raise'.

Default: 'off'

Setting this attribute to something other than 'off' activates a debugging mechanism, for which PyTensor executes the graph on-the-fly, as it is being built. This allows the user to spot errors early on (such as dimension mis-matches) before rewrites are applied.

PyTensor will execute the graph using constants and/or shared variables provided by the user. Purely symbolic variables (e.g. x = pytensor.tensor.dmatrix()) can be augmented with test values, by writing to their .tag.test_value attributes (e.g. x.tag.test_value = np.ones((5, 4))).

When not 'off', the value of this option dictates what happens when an Op’s inputs do not provide appropriate test values:

  • 'ignore' will do nothing

  • 'warn' will raise a UserWarning

  • 'raise' will raise an exception


As compute_test_value, but it is the value used during PyTensor’s rewriting phase. This is used to help debug shape errors in PyTensor’s rewrites.


Bool value, default: False

If 'True', PyTensor will include the test values in a variable’s __str__ output.


String Value: 'low', 'high'.

Default: 'low'

If 'low', the text of exceptions will generally refer to apply nodes with short names such as 'Elemwise{add_no_inplace}'. If 'high', some exceptions will also refer to Apply nodes with long descriptions like:

A. Elemwise{add_no_inplace}
      B. log_likelihood_v_given_h
      C. log_likelihood_h

Bool value, default: False

If True, will print a warning when compiling one or more Op with C code that can’t be cached because there is no c_code_cache_version() function associated to at least one of those Ops.


Bool value, default: False

If True, PyTensor will remove the -O* parameter passed to g++. This is useful for debugging objects compiled by PyTensor. The parameter -g is also passed by default to g++.


Bool value, default: False

If True, PyTensor will print compilation warnings.


Bool value, default: False

If set to True, PyTensor will preload the C module cache at import time


Int value, default: 60 * 60 * 24 * 24 # 24 days

The time after which a compiled C module won’t be reused by PyTensor (in seconds). C modules are automatically deleted 7 days after that time.


Bool value, default: False

If True, define a DEBUG macro (if one doesn’t already exist) for all compiled C code.


Int value, default: 8

The number of traceback stack levels to keep for PyTensor variable definitions.


Bool value, default: 0

The number of traceback stack levels to keep for variables during PyTensor compilation. When this value is greater than zero, it will make PyTensor keep internal stack traces.


Int value, default: 0

The verbosity level of the meta-rewriter: 0 for silent, 1 to only warn when PyTensor cannot meta-rewrite an Op, 2 for full output (e.g. timings and the rewrites selected).